The whole team! Sabrina Hodnett, Ashley Scanlan, Autumn Larr and Nikki Denmark.
On Sunday, September 16th hundreds of residents gathered for the 11th Annual Belks Pampering Event in Winter Haven. This event is much more than shopping and pampering, but a time dedicated to cancer education and more importantly, support. Dozens of area businesses provided practical information in hopes that their services will aid those diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers.
Bond Clinic, along with the Bond Cancer & Research Center, were proud to speak with hundreds of participants about: prostate cancer (Bond Urology Department,) breast cancer (Bond Oncology Department) and our new Cancer & Research Center which is nationally recognized. We even had out very own Pam Cunningham as a model in the survivor fashion show.

Nikki & Autumn sharing information about the Caner & Research Center.

Sabrina & Ashley representing Bond Clinic and our physicians.

Autumn applying a sparkle breast cancer ribbon to an Excel Cheerleader.

Sabrina was happy to talk to this participant.

Pam Cunningham modeling during the survivor fashion show.