Is Minimally Invasive Surgery Recommended for Me?


The mere mention of the word “surgery” can often lead to anxiety and confusion for both patients and loved ones. A multitude of questions immediately come to mind; what does the procedure involve? How long will it last? How is life going to change once the surgery is over?

The answers are often complex and fear-inducing, patients and loved ones alike can take comfort in knowing that many common procedures are not as drastic as they may initially seem. Minimally invasive surgeries happen on a routine basis and are the best solution for countless medical ailments today.

According to the Mayo Clinic, in minimally invasive surgery, doctors use a variety of state-of-the-art techniques to operate with less damage to the body than when treated with an open surgery. Procedures like this often involve less pain, a shorter hospital stay, fewer operations, and a quicker recovery time. Surgeons perform many types of minimally invasive surgeries including adrenalectomies (for adrenal gland removal), anti-reflux surgery (to relieve GERD symptoms), colon and rectal surgery, cancer surgery (for tumor destruction), endovascular surgery (for aneurysm repair), general surgery, and even heart surgery.

As with any type of surgical operation, there are, of course, risks associated with undergoing a procedure of this kind. While minimally invasive surgery uses smaller surgical incisions and, in general, has fewer risks associated with it than traditional surgery, complications with anesthesia, bleeding, and infection can still sporadically occur with patients. Talk with your doctor about whether you would be a good candidate for this surgical approach.

The subject of surgery is always stressful and emotional for both the patients and those closest to them. While their initial confusion and fear are completely justified, they must take comfort in knowing that a great number of operations are performed with the least amount of invasion and long-term discomfort.

For more information on minimally invasive surgery and whether or not it is the best option for you or your loved one, contact the expert General Surgery team at Bond Clinic. Dr. Esteban Gambaro and Dr. Robert Thomas are both accepting new patients and can be reached at 863-293-1191 or in person at 500 E. Central Avenue in the heart of Winter Haven.