Prevention and Treatment of Youth Sport Injuries
an Online Resource
Dehydration is most easily identified by a sensation of thirst. If you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated. This does not mean it is too late to begin the rehydration process, but it means you are already beyond the initial stages of dehydration. Additionally a post physical activity visit to the restroom can indicate hydration status. If your urine is dark-yellow then you are more than likely dehydrated. Cramping can also be a sign of malnutrition (hyponatremia) or dehydration. Cramping of this nature can often happen bilaterally (on both sides), and begin distally (far from the body such as the calves or forearms) and move proximally (toward the trunk). Also, when exercising if you lose any appreciable amount of bodyweight then it is more than likely water weight. Water weighs approximately 8 pounds per gallon. So if you lose four pounds because of exercise then 64 ounces of water is needed to make up the loss. An effort should be made to prevent this weight loss during physical activity and not made up after the activity.